
class data_morph.morpher.DataMorpher(*, decimals: int, in_notebook: bool, output_dir: str | Path | None = None, write_images: bool = True, write_data: bool = False, seed: int | None = None, num_frames: int = 100, keep_frames: bool = False, forward_only_animation: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: object

Class for morphing a dataset into a target shape, preserving summary statistics.

  • decimals (int) – The number of decimals to which summary statistics should be the preserved.

  • in_notebook (bool) – Whether this is running in a notebook.

  • output_dir (str or pathlib.Path, optional) – The directory to write output files (CSV, PNG, GIF).

  • write_images (bool, default True) – Whether to write image files to output_dir. This must be True for animation.

  • write_data (bool, default False) – Whether to write data files to output_dir.

  • seed (int, optional) – Provide an integer seed to the random number generator.

  • num_frames (int, default 100) – The number of frames to record out of the morphing process.

  • keep_frames (bool, default False) – Whether to keep image files written to output_dir after stitching the GIF animation.

  • forward_only_animation (bool, default False) – Whether to generate the animation in the forward direction only. By default, the animation will play forward and then reverse.


The number of decimals to which summary statistics should be the preserved.




Whether to generate the animation in the forward direction only. By default, the animation will play forward and then reverse. This has no effect unless write_images is True.




Whether to keep image files written to output_dir after stitching the GIF animation. This has no effect unless write_images is True.



morph(start_shape: Dataset, target_shape: Shape, *, iterations: int = 100000, max_temp: Number = 0.4, min_temp: Number = 0, min_shake: Number = 0.3, max_shake: Number = 1, allowed_dist: Number = 2, ramp_in: bool = False, ramp_out: bool = False, freeze_for: int = 0) DataFrame[source]#

Morph a dataset into a target shape by perturbing it with simulated annealing.

  • start_shape (Dataset) – The dataset for the starting shape.

  • target_shape (Shape) – The shape we want to morph into.

  • iterations (int) – The number of iterations to run simulated annealing for.

  • max_temp (numbers.Number) – The maximum temperature for simulated annealing (starting temperature).

  • min_temp (numbers.Number) – The minimum temperature for simulated annealing (ending temperature).

  • min_shake (numbers.Number) – The standard deviation of random movement applied in each direction, sampled from a normal distribution with a mean of zero. Value will start at max_shake and move toward min_shake.

  • max_shake (numbers.Number) – The standard deviation of random movement applied in each direction, sampled from a normal distribution with a mean of zero. Value will start at max_shake and move toward min_shake.

  • allowed_dist (numbers.Number) – The farthest apart the perturbed points can be from the target shape.

  • ramp_in (bool, default False) – Whether to more slowly transition in the beginning. This only affects the frames, not the algorithm.

  • ramp_out (bool, default False) – Whether to slow down the transition at the end. This only affects the frames, not the algorithm.

  • freeze_for (int, default 0) – The number of frames to freeze at the beginning and end. This only affects the frames, not the algorithm. Must be in the interval [0, 50].


The morphed data.

Return type:


See also


The initial state for the morphing process is a Dataset. Available built-in options can be found here.


The target state for the morphing process is a Shape. Options for the target can be found here.


This method saves data to disk at output_dir, which includes frames and/or animation (see write_images and keep_frames) and, depending on write_data, CSV files for each frame.


The number of frames to capture. Must be > 0 and <= 100.




The directory to write output files (CSV, PNG, GIF).




Whether to write data files to output_dir.




Whether to write image files to output_dir.

