
Cover image for Joining the PyCon Portugal Program Committee

Over the past few years, I have had the privilege to present at many conferences around the world. However, I had never been involved with the organization of one. I was approached to help the PyCon Portugal team review proposals for this year's event, and I jumped at the opportunity to help an event that I've been fortunate to present at since its inception.

Cover image for PyCon Colombia 2024 🇨🇴

My first time presenting in South America was a resounding success. In addition to giving a talk in the largest room I've presented in to date, I also delivered a workshop in one of the classrooms at the EAFIT university in Medellín – all a part of PyCon Colombia 2024.

Cover image for PyCon Italia 2024 🇮🇹

PyCon Italia holds a special place in my heart. Back in 2022, PyCon Italia was the first international conference to accept one of my proposals. This May marked my third year presenting at the event, which was once again in Florence. However, there was a big difference this time: instead of presenting a workshop, I delivered a talk on getting started in open source.

Cover image for ODSC East 2024 🇺🇸

Back in 2021, ODSC invited me to present a workshop on pandas virtually at their Europe. This was my first conference presentation ever, and despite it being virtually, I was terrified. Thankfully, I made it through and eventually developed a passion for it, overcoming my fear. At this event, I delivered a talk and had a book signing.

Cover image for New Year, New Book?

Last Easter, I shared Data Morph with the world. This year, I am continuing the tradition of a big unveiling on Easter. Learn more about my latest project in this blog post.