
exif-stripper logo

Most devices record a variety of metadata when generating images. While some of that information may be innocuous, you could end up exposing the GPS coordinates to your home if you aren't careful. In this article, I provide a brief introduction to image metadata, and then show you how to remove it with exif-stripper.

Cover image for Pre-Commit Hook Creation Guide

Pre-commit hooks are a great way to help maintain code quality. However, some of your code quality standards may be specific to your project, and therefore, not covered by existing code linting and formatting tools. In this article, I will show you how to incorporate custom checks into your pre-commit setup.

Cover image for A Behind-the-Scenes Look at How Pre-Commit Works

So, you've just set up pre-commit hooks on your repository using pre-commit, but do you know what actually happened when you ran pre-commit install or why you had to run it in the first place? How does pre-commit actually work with Git? In this article, I will take you behind the scenes of how your pre-commit setup works.

Cover image for Common Pre-Commit Errors and How to Solve Them

Having issues with your pre-commit setup? In this troubleshooting guide, I've collected the most common errors pre-commit users face and provided explanations and guidance for fixing them.

Cover image for Tips for Navigating an Issue Tracker on GitHub

Scouring an open source project's issues can lead to an open source contribution, but there is often an overwhelming amount of issues to sift through. In this article, I share my tips for navigating an open source project's issue tracker to find something to work on.