Source code for

"""Load data for morphing."""

from importlib.resources import files
from itertools import zip_longest
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from .. import MAIN_DIR
from import plot_with_custom_style
from .dataset import Dataset

[docs] class DataLoader: """ Class for loading datasets for morphing. .. plot:: :caption: Datasets currently included in Data Morph. The ``dino`` shape is Alberto Cairo's `Datasaurus`_. All logos are used with permission (see below). Note that CSV files are also supported by the :meth:`.load_dataset` method. from import DataLoader DataLoader.plot_available_datasets() .. _Datasaurus: .. important:: All logos are used with permission. * The Python logo is a `trademark of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) <>`_, used with permission from the Foundation. * The `SuperDataScience (SDS) <>`_ logo is used with permission. """ _DATA_PATH: str = 'data/starter_shapes/' _DATASETS: dict = { 'bunny': 'bunny.csv', 'cat': 'cat.csv', 'dino': 'dino.csv', 'dog': 'dog.csv', 'music': 'music.csv', 'panda': 'panda.csv', 'Python': 'python.csv', 'SDS': 'superdatascience.csv', 'sheep': 'sheep.csv', } AVAILABLE_DATASETS = sorted(_DATASETS.keys(), key=str.lower) """list[str]: List of available built-in starter datasets, which can be visualized with :meth:`plot_available_datasets`.""" def __init__(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def load_dataset( cls, dataset: str, scale: Number = None, ) -> Dataset: """ Load dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : str Either one of :attr:`AVAILABLE_DATASETS` or a path to a CSV file containing two columns: x and y. scale : numbers.Number, optional The factor to scale the data by (can be used to speed up morphing). Values in the data's x and y columns will be divided by this value. Returns ------- Dataset The starting dataset for morphing. Notes ----- If you are looking to create a :class:`.Dataset` from a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object, use the :class:`.Dataset` class directly. """ if dataset == 'python': dataset = dataset.capitalize() elif dataset == 'sds': dataset = dataset.upper() try: filepath = files(MAIN_DIR).joinpath( Path(cls._DATA_PATH) / cls._DATASETS[dataset] ) name = dataset df = pd.read_csv(filepath) except KeyError: try: name = Path(dataset).stem df = pd.read_csv(dataset) except FileNotFoundError as err: raise ValueError( f'Unknown dataset "{dataset}". ' 'Provide a valid path to a CSV dataset or use one of ' f'the included datasets: {", ".join(cls.AVAILABLE_DATASETS)}.' ) from err return Dataset(name=name, df=df, scale=scale)
[docs] @classmethod @plot_with_custom_style def plot_available_datasets(cls) -> Axes: """ Plot the built-in datasets. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object containing the plot. See Also -------- AVAILABLE_DATASETS The list of available datasets built into Data Morph. """ num_plots = len(cls.AVAILABLE_DATASETS) num_cols = 3 num_rows = int(np.ceil(num_plots / num_cols)) fig, axs = plt.subplots( num_rows, num_cols, layout='constrained', figsize=(12, 4 * num_rows), subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal'}, ) fig.get_layout_engine().set(w_pad=0.2, h_pad=0.2) for dataset, ax in zip_longest(cls.AVAILABLE_DATASETS, axs.flatten()): if dataset: ax.tick_params( axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, right=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False, ) points = cls.load_dataset(dataset) if dataset == 'Python': dataset += u' logo\u2122' elif dataset == 'SDS': dataset += ' logo' ax.scatter(points.df.x, points.df.y, s=4, color='black') ax.set( title=f'{dataset} ({points.df.shape[0]:,d} points)', xlim=points.plot_bounds.x_bounds, ylim=points.plot_bounds.y_bounds, xlabel='', ylabel='', ) else: ax.remove() return axs