Source code for

"""Utility functions for styling Matplotlib plots."""

from functools import wraps
from importlib.resources import as_file, files
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .. import MAIN_DIR

[docs] def plot_with_custom_style(plotting_function: Callable) -> Callable: """ Wrap a plotting function with a context manager to set the plot style. Parameters ---------- plotting_function : Callable The plotting function. Returns ------- Callable The decorated plotting function. """ @wraps(plotting_function) def plot_in_style(*args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Use a context manager to set the plot style before running the plotting function. Parameters ---------- *args Positional arguments to pass to the plotting function. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the plotting function. Returns ------- any Output of calling the plotting function. """ style = files(MAIN_DIR).joinpath( Path('plotting') / 'config' / 'plot_style.mplstyle' ) with as_file(style) as style_path: with['seaborn-v0_8-darkgrid', style_path]): output = plotting_function(*args, **kwargs) return output return plot_in_style