Source code for data_morph.plotting.static

"""Utility functions for static plotting."""

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import EngFormatter

from import get_summary_statistics
from .style import plot_with_custom_style

    from import Iterable
    from numbers import Number

    import pandas as pd
    from matplotlib.axes import Axes

[docs] @plot_with_custom_style def plot( data: pd.DataFrame, x_bounds: Iterable[Number], y_bounds: Iterable[Number], save_to: str | Path, decimals: int, **save_kwds: Any, # noqa: ANN401 ) -> Axes | None: """ Plot the dataset and summary statistics. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame The dataset to plot. x_bounds, y_bounds : Iterable[numbers.Number] The plotting limits. save_to : str or pathlib.Path Path to save the plot frame to. decimals : int The number of integers to highlight as preserved. **save_kwds Additional keyword arguments that will be passed down to :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig`. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes or None When ``save_to`` is falsey, an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object is returned. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(7, 3), layout='constrained', subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal'} ) fig.get_layout_engine().set(w_pad=1.4, h_pad=0.2, wspace=0) ax.scatter(data.x, data.y, s=1, alpha=0.7, color='black') ax.set(xlim=x_bounds, ylim=y_bounds) tick_formatter = EngFormatter() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tick_formatter) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(tick_formatter) res = get_summary_statistics(data) labels = ('X Mean', 'Y Mean', 'X SD', 'Y SD', 'Corr.') locs = np.linspace(0.8, 0.2, num=len(labels)) max_label_length = max([len(label) for label in labels]) max_stat = int(np.log10(np.max(np.abs(res)))) + 1 mean_x_digits, mean_y_digits = ( int(x) + 1 for x in np.log10(np.abs([res.x_mean, res.y_mean])) ) # If `max_label_length = 10`, this string will be "{:<10}: {:0.7f}", then we # can pull the `.format` method for that string to reduce typing it # repeatedly visible_decimals = 7 offset = ( 2 if (res.x_mean < 0 and mean_x_digits >= max_stat) or (res.y_mean < 0 and mean_y_digits >= max_stat) else 1 ) formatter = f'{{:<{max_label_length}}}: {{:{max_stat + visible_decimals + offset}.{visible_decimals}f}}'.format corr_formatter = f'{{:<{max_label_length}}}: {{:+{max_stat + visible_decimals + offset}.{visible_decimals}f}}'.format stat_clip = visible_decimals - decimals add_stat_text = partial( ax.text, 1.05, fontsize=15, transform=ax.transAxes, va='center', ) for label, loc, stat in zip(labels[:-1], locs, res): add_stat_text(loc, formatter(label, stat), alpha=0.3) add_stat_text(loc, formatter(label, stat)[:-stat_clip]) correlation_str = corr_formatter(labels[-1], res.correlation) for alpha, text in zip([0.3, 1], [correlation_str, correlation_str[:-stat_clip]]): add_stat_text( locs[-1], text, alpha=alpha, ) if not save_to: return ax save_to = Path(save_to) dirname = save_to.parent if not dirname.is_dir(): dirname.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fig.savefig(save_to, bbox_inches='tight', **save_kwds) return plt.close(fig)