Source code for data_morph.plotting.animation

"""Utility functions for animations."""

import glob
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

from PIL import Image

from ..shapes.bases.shape import Shape

[docs] def stitch_gif_animation( output_dir: Union[str, Path], start_shape: str, target_shape: Union[str, Shape], keep_frames: bool = False, forward_only_animation: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Stitch frames together into a GIF animation. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str or pathlib.Path The output directory to save the animation to. Note that the frames to stitch together must be in here as well. start_shape : str The starting shape. target_shape : str or Shape The target shape for the morphing. keep_frames : bool, default ``False`` Whether to keep the individual frames after creating the animation. forward_only_animation : bool, default ``False`` Whether to only play the animation in the forward direction rather than animating in both forward and reverse. See Also -------- PIL.Image Frames are stitched together with Pillow. """ output_dir = Path(output_dir) # find the frames and sort them imgs = sorted(glob.glob(str(output_dir / f'{start_shape}-to-{target_shape}*.png'))) frames = [ for img in imgs] if not forward_only_animation: # add the animation in reverse frames.extend(frames[::-1]) frames[0].save( output_dir / f'{start_shape}_to_{target_shape}.gif', format='GIF', append_images=frames[1:], save_all=True, duration=5, loop=0, ) if not keep_frames: # remove the image files for img in imgs: Path(img).unlink()