Source code for

"""Class representing a dataset for morphing."""

from __future__ import annotations

from numbers import Number
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ..bounds.bounding_box import BoundingBox
from ..bounds.interval import Interval
from import plot_with_custom_style

    import pandas as pd
    from matplotlib.axes import Axes

[docs] class Dataset: """ Class for representing a starting dataset and bounds. .. plot:: :caption: Upon creation, these bounds are automatically calculated. Use :meth:`plot` to generate this visualization. from import DataLoader _ = DataLoader.load_dataset('panda').plot(show_bounds=True) Parameters ---------- name : str The name to use for the dataset. data : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing columns x and y. scale : numbers.Number, optional The factor to scale the data by (can be used to speed up morphing). Values in the data's x and y columns will be divided by this value. See Also -------- :class:`.DataLoader` Utility for creating :class:`Dataset` objects from CSV files. """ _REQUIRED_COLUMNS = ('x', 'y') def __init__( self, name: str, data: pd.DataFrame, scale: Number | None = None, ) -> None: pd.DataFrame = self._validate_data(data).pipe( self._scale_data, scale ) """pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame containing columns x and y.""" str = name """str: The name to use for the dataset.""" self.data_bounds: BoundingBox = self._derive_data_bounds() """BoundingBox: The bounds of the data.""" self.morph_bounds: BoundingBox = self._derive_morphing_bounds() """BoundingBox: The limits for the morphing process.""" self.plot_bounds: BoundingBox = self._derive_plotting_bounds() """BoundingBox: The bounds to use when plotting the morphed data.""" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} name={} scaled={self._scaled}>' def _derive_data_bounds(self) -> BoundingBox: """ Derive bounds based on the data. Returns ------- BoundingBox The bounds of the data. """ return BoundingBox( *[ Interval([[dim].min(),[dim].max()], inclusive=False) for dim in self._REQUIRED_COLUMNS ] ) def _derive_morphing_bounds(self) -> BoundingBox: """ Derive morphing bounds based on the data. Returns ------- BoundingBox The bounds of the morphing process. """ # TODO: range * 0.2 is still a bit arbitrary (need to take into account density at the edges) # could also make this a parameter to __init__() morph_bounds = self.data_bounds.clone() x_offset, y_offset = (offset * 0.2 for offset in self.data_bounds.range) morph_bounds.adjust_bounds(x=x_offset, y=y_offset) return morph_bounds def _derive_plotting_bounds(self) -> BoundingBox: """ Derive plotting bounds based on the morphing bounds. Returns ------- BoundingBox The bounds of the plot. """ # TODO: range * 0.2 is still a bit arbitrary (need to take into account density at the edges) # could also make this a parameter to __init__() x_offset, y_offset = (offset * 0.2 for offset in self.data_bounds.range) plot_bounds = self.morph_bounds.clone() plot_bounds.adjust_bounds(x=x_offset, y=y_offset) plot_bounds.align_aspect_ratio() return plot_bounds def _scale_data(self, data: pd.DataFrame, scale: Number) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Apply scaling to the data. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame The data to scale. scale : numbers.Number, optional The factor to scale the data by (can be used to speed up morphing). Values in the data's x and y columns will be divided by this value. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The scaled data. """ if scale is None: self._scaled = False return data if isinstance(scale, bool) or not isinstance(scale, Number): raise TypeError('scale must be a numeric value.') if not scale: raise ValueError('scale must be non-zero.') scaled_data = data.assign(x=data.x.div(scale), y=data.y.div(scale)) self._scaled = True return scaled_data def _validate_data(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Validate the data. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame for morphing. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame provided it contains columns x and y. """ required = set(self._REQUIRED_COLUMNS) missing_columns = required.difference(data.columns) if missing_columns: case_insensitive_missing = missing_columns.difference( data.columns.str.lower() ) if case_insensitive_missing: raise ValueError( 'Columns "x" and "y" are required for datasets. The provided ' 'dataset is missing the following column(s): ' f'{", ".join(sorted(missing_columns))}.' ) data = data.rename(columns={col.upper(): col for col in missing_columns}) return data
[docs] @plot_with_custom_style def plot( self, ax: Axes | None = None, show_bounds: bool = True, title: str | None = 'default', ) -> Axes: """ Plot the dataset and its bounds. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional An optional :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object to plot on. show_bounds : bool, default ``True`` Whether to plot the bounds of the dataset. title : str | ``None``, optional Title to use for the plot. The default will call ``str()`` on the Dataset. Pass ``None`` to leave the plot untitled. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object containing the plot. """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained') fig.get_layout_engine().set(w_pad=0.2, h_pad=0.2) ax.axis('equal') ax.scatter(,, s=2, color='black') ax.set(xlabel='', ylabel='', title=self if title == 'default' else title) if show_bounds: scale_base = 85 # data bounds x_range, y_range = self.data_bounds.range x_offset = x_range / scale_base y_offset = y_range / scale_base data_rectangle = [ self.data_bounds.x_bounds[0] - x_offset, self.data_bounds.y_bounds[0] - y_offset, ] ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle( data_rectangle, width=x_range + x_offset * 2, height=y_range + y_offset * 2, ec='blue', linewidth=2, fill=False, ) ) ax.text( ( + / 2, + y_offset, 'DATA BOUNDS', color='blue', va='bottom', ha='center', ) # morph bounds morph_rectangle = [ self.morph_bounds.x_bounds[0], self.morph_bounds.y_bounds[0], ] ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle( morph_rectangle, width=self.morph_bounds.x_bounds.range, height=self.morph_bounds.y_bounds.range, ec='red', linewidth=2, fill=False, ) ) ax.text( *morph_rectangle, ' MORPH BOUNDS', color='red', va='bottom', ha='left' ) # plot bounds plot_rectangle = [ self.plot_bounds.x_bounds[0], self.plot_bounds.y_bounds[0], ] ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle( plot_rectangle, width=self.plot_bounds.x_bounds.range, height=self.plot_bounds.y_bounds.range, ec='#7CA1CC', linewidth=2, fill=False, ) ) ax.text( *plot_rectangle, ' PLOT BOUNDS', color='#7CA1CC', va='bottom', ha='left' ) ax.autoscale() return ax