Source code for data_morph.bounds.bounding_box

"""Class for working with two-dimensional bounds."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ._utils import _validate_2d
from .interval import Interval

    from import Iterable
    from numbers import Number

[docs] class BoundingBox: """ Class representing 2-dimensional range of numeric values. Parameters ---------- x_bounds, y_bounds : Interval | Iterable[numbers.Number] A 2-dimensional numeric iterable or an :class:`.Interval` object. inclusive : bool, default ``False`` Whether the bounds include the endpoints. Default is exclusive. If :class:`.Interval` objects are provided, their settings are used. """ def __init__( self, x_bounds: Interval | Iterable[Number], y_bounds: Interval | Iterable[Number], inclusive: Iterable[bool] = False, ) -> None: if x_bounds is None or y_bounds is None: raise ValueError('BoundingBox requires bounds for both dimensions.') if isinstance(inclusive, bool): inclusive = [inclusive] * 2 if not ( isinstance(inclusive, (tuple, list)) and len(inclusive) == 2 and all(isinstance(x, bool) for x in inclusive) ): raise ValueError( 'inclusive must be an iterable of 2 Boolean values' ' or a single Boolean value' ) self.x_bounds = ( x_bounds.clone() if isinstance(x_bounds, Interval) else Interval(x_bounds, inclusive[0]) ) """Interval: The bounds for the x direction.""" self.y_bounds = ( y_bounds.clone() if isinstance(y_bounds, Interval) else Interval(y_bounds, inclusive[1]) ) """Interval: The bounds for the y direction.""" self._bounds = (self.x_bounds, self.y_bounds) def __iter__(self) -> Interval: """ Iterate over the bounds in the bounding box. Returns ------- Interval The next set of bounds. """ return iter(self._bounds) def __contains__(self, value: Iterable[Number]) -> bool: """ Add support for using the ``in`` operator to check whether a two-dimensional point is in the bounding box. Parameters ---------- value : Iterable[numbers.Number] A two-dimensional point. Returns ------- bool Whether ``value`` is contained in the bounding box. """ x, y = _validate_2d(value, 'input') return x in self.x_bounds and y in self.y_bounds def __eq__(self, other: BoundingBox) -> bool: """ Check whether two :class:`.BoundingBox` objects are equivalent. Parameters ---------- other : BoundingBox A :class:`.BoundingBox` object. Returns ------- bool Whether the two :class:`.BoundingBox` objects are equivalent. """ if not isinstance(other, BoundingBox): raise TypeError('Equality is only defined between BoundingBox objects.') return self._bounds == other._bounds def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<BoundingBox>\n x={self.x_bounds}\n y={self.y_bounds}'
[docs] def adjust_bounds(self, x: Number | None = None, y: Number | None = None) -> None: """ Adjust bounding box range. Parameters ---------- x : numbers.Number, optional The amount to change the x bound range by (half will be applied to each end). y : numbers.Number, optional The amount to change the y bound range by (half will be applied to each end). See Also -------- :meth:`.Interval.adjust_bounds` : Method that performs the adjustment. """ if x: self.x_bounds.adjust_bounds(x) if y: self.y_bounds.adjust_bounds(y)
[docs] def align_aspect_ratio(self) -> None: """Align the aspect ratio to 1:1.""" x_range, y_range = self.range diff = x_range - y_range if diff < 0: self.adjust_bounds(x=-diff) elif diff > 0: self.adjust_bounds(y=diff)
@property def aspect_ratio(self) -> Number: """ Calculate the aspect ratio of the bounding box. Returns ------- numbers.Number The range in the x direction divided by the range in the y direction. """ x_range, y_range = self.range return x_range / y_range
[docs] def clone(self) -> BoundingBox: """ Clone this instance. Returns ------- BoundingBox A new :class:`.BoundingBox` instance with the same bounds. """ return BoundingBox( self.x_bounds.clone(), self.y_bounds.clone(), )
@property def range(self) -> Iterable[Number]: """ Calculate the range (width) of the bounding box in each direction. Returns ------- Iterable[numbers.Number] The range covered by the x and y bounds, respectively. """ return self.x_bounds.range, self.y_bounds.range @property def center(self) -> Iterable[Number]: """ Calculate the center of the bounding box. Returns ------- Iterable[numbers.Number] The center of the x and y bounds, respectively. """ return,