Quick Start Guide ================= .. INSTALLATION Installation ------------ Data Morph can be installed from PyPI using ``pip``: .. code:: console $ pip install data-morph-ai Alternatively, Data Morph can be installed with ``conda`` by specifying the ``conda-forge`` channel: .. code:: console $ conda install -c conda-forge data-morph-ai .. USAGE INTRO Usage ----- Once installed, Data Morph can be used on the command line or as an importable Python package. .. USAGE START Command line usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. CLI USAGE START Run ``data-morph`` on the command line: .. code:: console $ data-morph --start-shape panda --target-shape star This produces the following animation in the newly-created ``morphed_data`` directory within your current working directory: .. figure:: _static/panda-to-star.gif :alt: Morphing the panda dataset into the star shape. :align: center Morphing the panda :class:`.Dataset` into the star :class:`.Shape`. You can smooth the transition with the ``--ramp-in`` and ``--ramp-out`` flags. The ``--freeze`` flag allows you to start the animation with the specified number of frames of the initial shape: .. code:: console $ data-morph --start-shape panda --target-shape star --freeze 50 --ramp-in --ramp-out Here is the resulting animation: .. figure:: _static/panda-to-star-eased.gif :alt: Morphing the panda dataset into the star shape with easing. :align: center Morphing the panda :class:`.Dataset` into the star :class:`.Shape` with easing. ---- See all available CLI options by passing in ``--help`` or consulting the :doc:`cli`: .. code:: console $ data-morph --help .. CLI USAGE END Python usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. PYTHON USAGE START The :class:`.DataMorpher` class performs the morphing from a :class:`.Dataset` to a :class:`.Shape`. Any :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with numeric columns ``x`` and ``y`` can be a :class:`.Dataset`. Use the :class:`.DataLoader` to create the :class:`.Dataset` from a file or use a built-in dataset: .. code:: python from data_morph.data.loader import DataLoader dataset = DataLoader.load_dataset('panda') For morphing purposes, all target shapes are placed/sized based on aspects of the :class:`.Dataset`. All shapes are accessible via the :class:`.ShapeFactory`: .. code:: python from data_morph.shapes.factory import ShapeFactory shape_factory = ShapeFactory(dataset) target_shape = shape_factory.generate_shape('star') With the :class:`.Dataset` and :class:`.Shape` created, here is a minimal example of morphing: .. code:: python from data_morph.morpher import DataMorpher morpher = DataMorpher( decimals=2, in_notebook=False, # whether you are running in a Jupyter Notebook output_dir='data_morph/output', ) result = morpher.morph( start_shape=dataset, target_shape=target_shape, freeze_for=50, ramp_in=True, ramp_out=True, ) .. note:: The ``result`` variable in the above code block is a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` of the data after completing the specified iterations of the simulated annealing process. The :meth:`.DataMorpher.morph` method is also saving plots to visualize the output periodically and make an animation; these end up in ``data_morph/output``, which we set as :attr:`.DataMorpher.output_dir`. .. PYTHON USAGE END ---- .. VIZ LISTINGS In this example, we morphed the built-in panda :class:`.Dataset` into the star :class:`.Shape`. Be sure to try out the other built-in options: * The :attr:`.DataLoader.AVAILABLE_DATASETS` attribute contains a list of available datasets, which are also visualized in the :class:`.DataLoader` documentation. * The :attr:`.ShapeFactory.AVAILABLE_SHAPES` attribute contains a list of available shapes, which are also visualized in the :class:`.ShapeFactory` documentation. For further customization, the :doc:`custom_datasets` tutorial discusses how to generate custom input datasets.