API === .. automodule:: data_morph .. rubric:: Modules .. autosummary:: :toctree: api :recursive: data_morph.bounds data_morph.data data_morph.morpher data_morph.plotting data_morph.shapes ---- .. rubric:: Examples .. include:: quickstart.rst :start-after: .. PYTHON USAGE START :end-before: .. PYTHON USAGE END This produces the following animation in the directory specified as ``output_dir`` above: .. figure:: _static/panda_to_star.gif :alt: Morphing the panda dataset into the star shape. :align: center Morphing the panda :class:`.Dataset` into the star :class:`.Shape`. ---- .. include:: quickstart.rst :start-after: .. VIZ LISTINGS .. note:: There is also a :ref:`CLI option ` for morphing. .. rubric:: Citations .. include:: citation.rst